lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Literatature: The Temepest

In the literature class we are reading The Tempest by William Shakespeare. We were supposed to interpretate the story of Sycorax, the mother of Caliban with the following video:

Then we had to interpretate scenes 1 and 2 with the following frezee frames:

Here we are interpretateing the confrontation the both boatswains had with the nobility in the middle of the tempest.

In this picture we see the sailor and one boatswain struggeling to save the vessel, the nobility afraid of sinking
and praying for their lifes.

In this picture we see that people in the ship had lost all hope on the resistance of the ship, so their threw themself out of the ship. We can also see the king is praying too

Now in Act 1 scene 2, Prospero, who created the tempest, tells Miranda that all humans on the ship were not harm or killed.

Prospero continues talking with Miranda and reveals her their true story. How his brother betray him, and left them to die at the ocean.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

La Tuberculosis

Elegí esta enfermedad ya que es la mas peligrosa del grupo, porque mas de 30 por ciento de la poblacion mundial la posee, aun que la mayoría la posee en estado pasivo. Para organizar la información sobre esta enfermedad hice un "Cmap" que es un mapa conceptual virtual.