miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011


The Lake District National Park

  Last weekend I went to this amazing National Park. In this place I had a great time with nature and animals, it was really thrilling and beautiful. I really recommend seeing it.
  This National Park called "The Lake District National Park" had the most gorgeous and huge landscapes I have ever seen in my whole life. In this wonderful place I have seen the most beautiful creatures.
  The Lake District National Park owes its landscape to glaciations which happened millions of years ago. Personally I found this little trip really enjoyable. I made it last weekend but it was a little crowded because 12 millions people visit this place every year.
  I really recommend going to The Lake District National Park because here, in this place, people grevery. Also I found it very interesting because I learnt a lot about nature.

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Los Hielos Continentales

Éste video lo realizamos durante mucho tiempo con mis compañeros Joaquín Parodi, Roman Löb, Ramiro Caviglia y Mateo Rolon Righetti. Lo realizamos con el objetivo de consientizar a las personas sobre los problemas en los glaciares de Argentina y el mundo.

Que actividades realizamos en el video

En el video de nuestro equipo lo que Mateo hizo fue buscar algunas de las fotos que aparecen en el video junto con Juani.Ramiro , se encargó de la musica.Roman y Joaquin, se encargaron de la administración del video (subtitulos, efectos, etc.).Mateo aportó unas ideas sobre la administración. También, joaquin aporto un video.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Comentario sobre el proyecto de los Hielos Continentales

Los hielos continentales , cubren una superficie parecida a la de Capital Federal.
En estos hielos , se realizan expediciones , unas de las más conocidas es la de Expedición Bicentenario. Que trata de gente que hace expediciones a diferentes lugares de la Argentina , y una de ellas es a estos Hielos.
 En la expedición a estos hielos lo que hicieron fue enterrar en una parte de los hielos , capsulas que contienen sueños de niños que fueron escritos en el 2010 para luego ser leídos en el 2110 en el tricentenario de la Patria.
 La gente que hace esta expedición , es la gente experimentada en tipos de lugares como estos. Para hacer la expedición , obviamente necesitamos un equipo especial. Ejemplos , Zapatos con clavos.
 Ellos generalmente , van de a tres , pasan por el cerro FitzRoy , uno de los más difíciles de escalar.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

The best movie ever !

Shrek 4 is the best movie ever.shrek saga has 4 very famous movies, wich were seemn by millios of viewers. This movie is good because it has very good visual effects and a well writeen script .It´s a good film to watch with friends and family .

This film is a really good because it´s a all audiences film, so many kids can see it. Also, it is not the classical cliché about an ogree and a princess. It´s an original and new script and film. This is why shrek 4 its the best movie ever

Report to recruit young people for the Nazi political party

The purpose of this report is to inform Hitler about how to encourage young people to join the Nazi Party.

Young people can´t live without food , so we can serve cookies with the Nazi Swaztika, and with white cream and not black chocolate cookies ( They can teach badly to young people ). To make young people join.

Young people like music; we can put hidden messages on it ( In the middle of the song we can put a voice saying HITLER 20 seconds ) or we could put our own band in the party , like this they could join the Nazis.

We could organize a party to combine food and music. At the end of it we will have lots of new members.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


              Rio de Janeiro is a dangerous place            
At first, I was really glad about going to Rio.All days were sunny and beaches were calm . But when I reached rio in bike, after a 8 days journey, my legs hurt so much that I had pains all days.

it first rio was wonderfull but really hot,it was about 43 degrees.when i take my sweater some "bad" peoplesaw my golden diamond watch singned by "La Giovanni " , people started to run at me with guns and broken glass. I manged to escape of that horrible place.

If I were you I wouldnt go to any were in brazil never, it has a beatiful jungles and the most amazing natural beautiful landscapes on the earth. But as many other places on the earth, it has many security problems and dirty politicians. In Argentina we dont have security problems and people is nice and never hurts you.

To sum up, Rio was a good experience to learn that places who might be beautiful can be dangerous too.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

expedicion bicentenario

"La Expedición Bicentenario" es un proyecto de una organizacion no gubernamental que tiene de objetivo llevar las expectativas de los niños para el futuro del país escritos en un papel a los lugares mas extremos de Argentina y el mundo ,como el Aconcagua, la Antártida, el monte Everest ,etc .También tiene de objetivo crear conciencia sobre el medio ambiente, incorporar niños y jóvenes que cuentan con habilidades diferentes y culturales ya que cada provincia hará actividades culturales alrededor de cada expedición .
En este video describen algunos de los lugares a los que irán, las actividades que harán, los objetivos que cumplirán, como se llevaran los materiales y quien los llevará.